App Privacy Policy




Below is our detailed privacy notice which provides you with information on how we use your personal data when you use the Taskmaster Interactive App (the App).  We have also produced this summary to give you an overview about what we do and how it involves your personal data.  


Personal data is information relating to an identified or identifiable individual.  It can include information about you, such as your likes and interests, as well as things you’ve done and where you’ve been.  Names and email addresses are the most common types of personal data that are collected. 


The App doesn’t collect any of your personal data unless you register with the App in order to access certain features.  So even if you don’t register and don’t provide any personal data you’ll still be able to access some of the fantastic features that the App provides.  


However, there are some features of the App where you do need to register to get access.  We minimise the information that we require from you so that we can protect your personal data as much as possible.  


You’ll be told at the time if the relevant feature or element of the App requires any personal information from you, along with the type of information we need and why we need it. At that point it’s up to you if you want to proceed. 

If you have any questions at all, please do feel free to contact us at: . 



Who we are

This privacy notice sets out how Avalon Promotions Limited (Avalon, we, us) processes your personal data.  Avalon will be the controller of your personal data.  “Controller” is a legal term under data protection legislation and means the entity that’s responsible for how your personal data is used.  


What personal data do we collect and from where? 

We collect personal data when you register to use certain features on the App, specifically: your email address; your username and password; and a photograph of you (if you choose to submit this).  We would recommend that you choose a username that isn’t your actual name and doesn’t identify you.  Additionally, please do not use or submit any photograph of anyone other than yourself.  

The App has functionality for users to submit photographs and enter ‘free text’ on various forums.  If you do decide to enter any text please don’t include any information about yourself or that could identify you. 

The only other information that we collect will be about your device via the use of our cookies and similar technologies.  More information about this is set out below.  


How do we use your personal data? 

In accordance with data protection laws, we will only process your personal data if we have a lawful basis (i.e. reason) for doing so. These reasons would be: (i) if it is necessary to provide services to you to fulfil any agreement we have with you (i.e. performance of a contract); (ii) if we’re legally required to do so; (iii) if you’ve given us your consent; and/or; (iv) if it’s in our legitimate interests, provided that none of these prejudice your own rights, freedoms and interests.  Below is a list of the purposes for which we process your personal data in connection with the App and the lawful basis for doing so.



Lawful Basis

To set-up, administer and manage your account with us (where applicable)

Necessary for the performance of a contract

To share photographs and text posted by you on the App on social media sites for publicity and marketing

Legitimate interests for us to raise awareness of the App and Taskmaster

To send push notifications through the App about content and services

Your consent

To conduct market research 

Legitimate interests to better understand our customers’ areas of interest and the services they find most useful

To respond to communications, including customer support queries

Legitimate interests, so that we can deal with queries and complaints

To record and analyse customer communications for training purposes

Legitimate interests of improving our customer service

To send you updates about the App

Necessary for the performance of a contract

To send you newsletters and marketing information that you have requested

Your consent

To prepare and analyse statistics relating to the use of the App by you and other users

Legitimate interests of ensuring our services and the App are as enjoyable as possible

To run our everyday operations, e.g. communications between employees in connection with the provision of the App and exchanges of information between different members and companies within our group

Legitimate interests of running our business

To administer and protect our business and the App, including troubleshooting, data analysis and system testing

Legitimate interests of running our business, provision of administration and IT services, including network security

To administer a sale or possible sale of the whole of or part of our business or the restructuring of our business

Legitimate interests of facilitating the relevant possible or actual transaction or business restructure

To assist law enforcement agencies in their investigations

Legitimate interests of the law enforcement agencies, provided that this does not affect your rights

To conduct legal proceedings, including defending ourselves legally and making claims

Necessary for us to comply with legal obligations


We might also process your personal data for purposes which are compatible and in keeping with the reasons listed above and below.  When we do this we’ll update this privacy notice.  



Where you have given your consent to receive marketing from us we’ll contact you from time-to-time with information that may be of interest to you.   

Our communications will contain an ‘unsubscribe’ feature so you can always object and ask not to receive future communications.  

When do we disclose your personal data? 

We may, for the purposes we’ve already described above, disclose your personal data to any of the following recipients:

  • Companies within our own company group (including to their employees and sub-contractors) to assist us in providing our services or which otherwise have a need to know such information.
  • Third parties to assist us in providing our services (known as processors), including Really Quite Something Limited.  In each case we will have contractual protections in place to ensure that such processors only process your personal data in line with our instructions.
  • Social media sites, to share any photos and/or text that you submit to the forum for publicity and to engage a wider audience around the benefits of the App and how it can enhance the viewing of Taskmaster.
  • External professional advisors who need to access such information for the purpose of advising us.
  • Law enforcement bodies which may have any reasonable requirement to access your personal data.
  • Potential purchasers of our business or investors in it or in any company within our group (including in the event of insolvency).

We may also be required to transfer your personal data outside of the EEA (including the UK) but will only do so where there are adequate safeguards in place to ensure the security of your personal data.  To assist us in providing our services we may transfer your personal data to Avalon Television, Inc. and Avalon Management, Inc. (both members of our company group).  


Content submitted by you

Certain features in the App will allow you to post photographs and text into a forum.  It is important to note that these will be viewable by other users of the App.  As such, please don’t include any personal data or information about yourself in any posts and please don’t include any other individuals in your photos.  If you’ve posted something which you want to remove you can do this directly yourself in the App or contact us and we’ll arrange for it to be taken down.  

In addition, we will share some of the more engaging posts and photographs on social media sites for publicity reasons and to engage a wider audience of Taskmaster fans.  If this includes any post, photograph or content of yours and you want to have it removed from social media please contact us at



The App uses cookies and similar technologies.  The use of these is limited to those uses that are strictly necessary to enable the App to function, such as managing authentication and your login.

Cookies are small text files that are downloaded onto your device and can help to improve the functionality of websites and apps.  You can learn more about cookies and how to manage and disable them here:   


How long do we keep your personal data for?

We’ll keep your personal data for a period of seven years following closure of your account.  However, if you wish to have your personal data erased before this you can contact us to exercise your erasure rights.  If you unsubscribe from our marketing communications we’ll maintain a record of your unsubscribe request and link it to your email address to ensure you don’t receive future communications.    


Your rights

You have the following rights under data protection legislation. If you have any questions about your rights, or you wish to exercise any of these rights, please email

We may require you to provide forms of identity if  you want to exercise any of your rights below.

  • Access: You’re entitled to confirmation that we process your personal data and a copy of such personal data.  
  • Rectification: If the personal data we hold on you is incorrect, you have the right for this to be corrected. You can also update your personal data through your own account settings. 
  • Erasure: You can ask us to erase your personal data if there’s no compelling reason for us to continue processing it. 
  • Restriction: You can request a restriction on our processing of your personal data.  This will only apply if we have no lawful basis to process your personal data, your personal data is inaccurate or to comply with an objection request (see below).
  • Objection: You can still object to our processing of your personal data if our processing is carried out on the basis of legitimate interests. Please note, however, that if there are compelling enough reasons we can continue to process your personal data.  
  • Objecting to direct marketing: You can object to receiving direct marketing at any time.  
  • Portability: You have the right to receive some of your personal data in machine readable format.  This right extends to you being able to ask us to send such data to a third-party controller.
  • Withdrawing consent: If the lawful basis we’re relying on to process your personal data is consent you have the right to withdraw this consent. Please email us at to withdraw consent for the processing of your personal data. 
  • Complaining to a supervisory authority: Further information about your rights can also be obtained from your national data protection regulator – in the UK, this is the ICO (  If you have any cause for complaint about our use of your personal data, you have the right to lodge a complaint with your national data protection supervisory authority, although please do contact us in the first instance if possible, so that we can resolve the issue and help in any way we can.  
  • Your right to be informed: You can always contact us to find out more or to ask any questions about our use of your personal data.


Please note that your rights above are not absolute and we may be unable to comply with certain requests (in whole or in part).  Please also note that if we reasonably determine that your request is manifestly unfounded (for example it’s obvious that there’s no intention of accessing the information, the request is excessive or is being made for the wrong reasons such as to cause disruption) we reserve the right to refuse to comply with your request.  

When you make a request we may have to ask you to prove your identity.  


Last updated: 19 January 2022