December 2018
#taskmasterbook update

Hello Taskers,
Welcome to the December newsletter, on the same day as the launch of the inaugural Twitter Advent Taskendar. It’s a dramatic day.
Nearly as dramatic as @OMalley2013 ‘s mum’s entrance (five points):
I’ll be sending out a Task every day up until Christmas so do look out for them, or, even better, give them a go. I think it will be fun. We will see.
Meanwhile, thanks once again for all your task attempts. It’s so brilliant to see what you’ve done and how much effort you’ve put into something so stupid. Please keep up the good work. I know He will be at most quite pleased and at least not displeased.
Here goes then. Points (also, quite a few links to tweets here if you want to see how others are getting on. Toaster throwing is particularly impressive):
From TWITTER (thanks for using the hashtag: #taskmasterbook
5 points to the pianist with @Missgillyham for this fine work:
5 points to @sophymillz for the seal work on her tasks.
And 5 too to @samanthamirosch for general presentation.
5 points to @JDcymru – mainly for creating a tracker in Excel for his tasks. Bad luck on Task 10. Not easy.
4 points to @dhfwilson ‘s Helen for not a bad doppelganger.
5 points to @nay_lawrence for the fine photo of the book in front of the bandstand.
4 points each to @imbenharmer and his wife for excellent spirit in the face of toast controversy.
And 4 to @cityofrach and @catscallon for charming self portraits. Keep going.
But 5 points to @stegofreak for this -
BUT 10 POINTS TO @dhfwilson ‘s Josh for this miracle (please do watch!):
And 5 points too to @eclectech ‘s son for bread throwing, and 3 to the parent for the drawing.
10 points to all @MrWarmanSJA ‘s pupils for ambitious and occasionally recognisable animals - AND for making, among other things, moustaches with paper:
5 points to @migrainejones ‘s 11 year old (and you) for a fine new task. Something similar coming in Series 8 coincidentally.
5 points to @steviebay1 for a very high book (Task 166) -
AND ONE HUNDRED (100) MORE POINTS to @steviebay1 for completing Task 200! Amazing stuff.
@KevenLaw has 30 for something similar…
And 10 points to @carlalouiseee for being, generally, excellent.
0 points… YET… to Alex Goulding in Bolton and Sasha in W.A. 6024, Australia for their efforts for Task 168. I’m hopeful though.
18 POINTS to Nathan G for completing the first bonus task (Task 201). Lovely lovely stuff. And a cracking Task 168 effort too… good luck. By the way, I (weirdly) didn’t already have that card but it is now my favourite ever card. My birthday is on the 10th though. Thank you though. Bye though.
And then… MORE POINTS FOR @steviebay1 who really is turning out to be the number one Tasker BY SOME MARGIN so far. His interpretation(s) of Task 165 (my favourite in the book, by the way), is(are) majestic. Did you travel from Guernsey? 15 points to you, sir (5 for the standard answer, 10 for the twist).
And 10 points too to your daughter Melissa. Well done on reading and not drinking. Brilliant.
Finally, if you got in touch about putting on a Taskmaster event in schools, I will reply soon. It’s taking me a while to get up to date with everything but I will get there!
Meanwhile, if you follow this link - - and use the password SCHOOLTASKMASTER, there’s a little video that you can show to the kids. I hope that’s in some way helpful.
And if I owe anyone else a reply/book/photo/money, please keep pestering.
That’s it!
Good luck, have fun and make good choices.
The Taskmaster
‘s assistant