
February 2019

#taskmasterbook update

Hi there,

February went quick, didn’t it? Sorry I’m late. I blame February.

(also, this update goes up to March 4th, in case you were wondering).

So, I want to start by focusing on the current Worldwide Taskmaster Leader, Nathan (@TheRealNafe). I reckon you should focus on him too. He’s doing remarkably and he’s doing remarkably here; 

So far he’s completed over a quarter of the tasks in the book and in the process has accumulated 264 points (see the end of the update for details). Congratulations Nathan. Can’t wait to see the next three quarters.


Two other taskers who deserve a hefty mention are @steviebay1 and @beccaj2110. They’ve been brilliant for a while but both stepped it up this month:


Stevie did this and we met in St Albans: - 10 points. Incredible. - another 10 for the twin. - 5 more. Terrific. - another 10! - 5 and what a trip. - yes, another 5.


Becca did this and we met in Swansea: - 5 points - 10 points - just outstanding - 20 points - 5 points

And… Task 201. Congratulations. 10 points.


Thanks to both.


Other points:

Great snow work, 5 points:

This bathroom item really tickled me, 5 points:

5 more for Rach for these too:




5 points for poetry:


Travel! 5 points: (brilliant photo)


Talent! 5 points


Labels! 10 points


Meanwhile, some lovely stuff coming to the PO Box once again. It means quite a bit of admin for me but I wouldn’t have it any other way.


First, thanks to @cityofrach for my favourite unusual item for Task 198 so far. I promise to look after it and use it wisely (yours is a fine five letter word too…).


Dear Sam Bushton, I loved your letter, and task and colour scheme. Weirdly (or not) we have tried a very similar task to yours and it didn’t quite work, but we will be doing it again as I’m sure it will! Great minds… 10 points.


To Ben Stoney and Samuel £1phick – congratulations and 10 points for Task 201. That drawing will be displayed prominently SOMEWHERE.


Similarly, 10 points too to Katelyn Paddock and Chris and Rowan. Some day soon I’ll send you something back…


Finally to Sasha, in Australia and here: @bayoflaurels – I’m glad you’re also not sorry for sending me (so far) 45 letters. I won’t respond till all 150 arrive. But, yes, I’m also not sorry. I appreciate the effort SO MUCH. Also, your unusual item was extremely unusual. 8 points. Always 8 points for religious pineapples. Thank you.


But for now, here are Nathan’s points.


See you in April.

Task #1 – (Eyes Closed Portrait) – 3 points

Task #4 – (Toaster Throw) – 4 points

Task #6 – (Circle Rip) – 2 points

Task #8  – (100 Dots) – 3 points

Task #9 – See Task #8 – 3 points

Task #21 – (Upside Down) – 4 points

Task #23 – (50 Steps) – ha! 5 points

Task #39 – (Make a Pudding) – 3 points

Task #40 – (Eat the Pudding) – 5 points!

Task 46 – (Tossing Heads) – very nice – 5 points

Task #50 – (Melon) – 1 point

Task #51 – See Task #155 – yes! 5 points!

Task #68 – (Least Cool Picture) - 2 points (quite cool by the dog, I thought)

Task #79 – (Lookalike) – 5 points!

Task #80 – See Task #23 – 5 points!

Task #93 – (Coolest Photo) – 4 points

Task #94 – (Pint and Strip) – 5 points. Fair enough.

Task #98 – (Improve Picture) – 10 points. And my new screensaver.

Task #117 – (Services Selfie) – 2 points

Task #118 – (Services Hide and Seek) – 5 points (and I can’t believe it’s got a Pizza Express)

Task #119 – (Aisle Spins) – 4 points

Task #128 – (Best Place) – 10 points. That made me happy.

Task #129 – (Pisa Photo) – 3 points

Task #131 – (Most Best Worst) – 5 points and I want the book please.

Task #133 – (Where’s Wally?) – 5 points

Task #135 – (Negligible Address) – 5 points

Task #145 – (Beach Graph) – 5 points. Brilliant.

Task #146 – (Beach People) – nice. 5 points.

Task #148 – (Snow Figures) – 4 points

Task #150 – (Weird Animal) – my God. 4 points.

Task #151 – (Colin) – 5 points

Task #154 – (British Library) – 5 points

Task #155 – (Stop-Motion) – yes! 5 points!

Task #157 – (Stationery Outfit) – 20 (TWENTY) points (massive bonus for the pun)

Task #162 – (Labels) – 10 points. Some beauties.

Task #163 – See Task #155 – yes! 5 points!

Task #164 –  (Leaf Match) – 5 points.

Task #165 – (Telegraph Pole) – 5 points (thanks for no spoilers)

Task #167 – (Scene Recreation) – 4 points

Task #172 – (Hugh-mulo-nimbus) – 5 points

Task #175 – (Sandy Photo) – 5 points

Task #177 – (Big Pattern) – 4 points

Task #178 – (Four Leaf Clover) – 5 points

Task #183 – (Face Handing) – 10 points

Task #188 – (Most Knees) – 5 points

Task #189 – (Most Books) – 5 points (for the second one!)

Task #193 – (Age Queue) – 5 points

Prize Task #2 – (Best Drink) – 4 points (nice)

Prize Task #4 – (Best Sphere) – 1 point (sorry)

Prize Task #14 – (Creepiest Thing) – 4 points

Prize Task # 15 – (Most Flamboyant Clock) – 2 points

Prize Task #16 – (Charity <£3) – 4 points

Prize Task #18 – (Best Book Title) – 5 points

Prize Task #20 – (Most Important Document) – 5 points